Customer Testimonials

Recently, we received the following testimonal from a valued Autogeek customer. Ed, aka HighEndDetail on the Autogeek Forums, is a perfectionist detailer with a 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac that looks better than new! Ed writes the following:

Ed Sport TracEd Sport Trac 2“I have been using AG products, I think for about 5 years now. Too many products to list that I have used. And I still use almost everyone of them to date. What’s on my ride now is Optimum’s Opti-seal over DP Premium Surface Shield. A little trick for you, when you use “XMT’s Carnauba Finishing Glaze” leave it on the surface for about 15min. Then wipe it off for a more deep wow wet look. And everyone of my details include products from Autogeek. And for their customer service, what can I say they are the best. Friendly,courteous, and go well above the term customer service.”

Thanks for the photos, the XMT tip and the testimonial Ed! We value your continued business and your participation in our detailing community.

Keep up the great work!

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