Upgrade Your Cyclo Polisher To The Edge 2000 System!

Patented in 1953, the Cyclo Polisher is the only polisher with patented dual orbital heads. The two heads move in an overlapping, circular motion and are designed to mimic the motion of hand polishing, but much faster.

From 1953-2007 the only way to connect pads to the Cyclo Polisher was to attach a rubber pad holder to the machine. The pad holders fit very snugly and worked quite well, for over 50 years!

Leave it to the engineers at Dedication To Detail, Inc., makers of the patented Edge 2000 Buffing Pads to come along and make the Cyclo Polisher perform even better! In February 2007 they introduced The Edge 4 inch DoublePrecision™ Cyclo Foam Pads. The double-sided pads are compact versions of the Edge’s revolutionary double-sided Edge 2000 foam polishing pads.

The same Edge2K Drive DA Adaptor that is used to connect Edge 2000 pads to the Porter Cable 7424 Polisher is also what you’ll use to attach the Edge 2000 4 inch pads to your Cyclo Orbital Polisher! You’ll need two of them because of the Cyclo’s dual polishing heads.

Once the quick-connect adapters are installed on the Cyclo Polisher, the double-sided DoublePrecisionâ„¢ Cyclo Foam Pads can be attached and removed from the machine in seconds. In addition to being very easy to attach and remove, the double-sided pads are perfectly centered everytime! The greatly reduces the amount of vibration while polishing!

Since the same adapter can be used on both the Cyclo polisher and the Porter Cable 7424, this means that the 4 Inch DoublePrecisionâ„¢ Cyclo Foam Pads can be used on the Porter Cable too!

So take your Cyclo Polisher to the next level with 4 Inch DoublePrecisionâ„¢ Cyclo Foam Pads. They are double-sided, easy to install and perfectly centered everytime!

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